How to sell safer in the midst of a pandemic

Preparing for selling your home in 2020 presents a host of new hurdles for sellers — social distancing, sanitizing, ensuring your home remains a safe space for you, your family, and visitors. At a time when you’re focused on attracting interested buyers and encouraging multiple offers, all of these additional details can be overwhelming. 

Fortunately, there are simple solutions for making the sale of your home more pandemic-friendly:

Level-up your cleaning routine while your home is on the market

When you clean high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, railings, and light switches with regular cleaning solutions, you may be removing dirt and improving their appearance, but you’re likely not sanitizing these surfaces. 

To ensure that your home is safer for you and your family while it’s on the market, you need more than just a cosmetic clean — you need to remove pathogens like COVID-19 from the surfaces in your home after each showing and house tour. 

Establish a sanitization strategy

To effectively eliminate 99.99% of pathogens on surfaces around your home, consider engaging the support of a sanitization technician who will identify and treat the hotspots in your home, and create a custom sanitization plan for the entirety of your selling experience. 

For instance, at the pre-listing and closing stages, a professional sanitization technician can ensure that an even distribution of sanitization solution is applied to surfaces using an electrostatic sprayer or ULV (ultra low volume) fogger — and rest assured, these solutions are trace-free, food safe, and leave no residue behind. Experts such as S.T.A.C.S. are leaders in this space, using only Health Canada approved solutions for home owners across the Greater Toronto Area. 

Reinforce the house rules
Since you’ll likely be out of the house when prospective buyers visit your space, consider using signage to remind buyers and agents of your open house rules, which should include: 

  1. Limiting the number of visitors to your home at any given time

  2. Wearing a mask and sanitizing hands before entry

  3. Requesting that visitors do not touch personal belongings in the home

Better yet, why not elevate the entire open house experience with a Door Ambassador whose role is to:

  • Greet prospective buyers outside the front door

  • Maintain a record of visitors to the property

  • Ensure that visitors sanitize their hands prior to entry and secure their mask

  • Carefully manage ingress and egress from the home

This elegant touch is a simple, yet effective way to set your open house apart while providing a safer experience for all.

Couple this approach with an in-home sanitization station (which houses hand sanitizer, extra masks, gloves, and ideally a ULV mist sprayer filled with a Health Canada approved solution for a holistic home sanitization strategy. These services are provided directly to home owners and agents by S.T.A.C.S.

Open your mind to a new selling experience

Having a sanitization plan for your home creates a safer environment for you, your family, prospective buyers, and agents. And, it keeps the focus on your property, rather than on the restrictions of the pandemic — something that helps to drive top dollar for your property.

To learn more about how to keep your space safe while giving your home a strategic advantage, contact S.T.A.C.S.

Sanitization Tactics and Control Services

Guest blog written by Daniel Grima from the West Egg Group


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