Should you move out while your home is listed for sale?

Should you move out while your home is listed for sale???

Ideally, YES! 🏡

Not only will staying elsewhere for the first ~week or so~ while your home is on the market be LESS overall stress for you (and a great excuse to take a local stay-cation), but also: a super flexible showing schedule gives buyers the opportunity to view your property at their convenience, helping spread the good vibes all around.

There are a number of good reasons to stay elsewhere while your home is listed for sale on the market:

  • moving out (even if temporarily) gives you the opportunity to kick-start your actual move and take the first step toward the next chapter of your life, which is ultimately living in a new space

  • if you stay elsewhere during the time your listing is on the market, you won’t have to coordinate your schedule around showings, cancellations and last minute requests

  • temporarily moving out offers you a predicable place to stay that is comfortable with MUCH less distraction than staying in the home, with potential neighbours asking questions, people driving by and the need to keep everything staged & ready for showings

  • moving out to list your home for sale gives you a great excuse to take a week or longer vacation - as long as you are still reachable for any questions (and to review any offers), you could be enjoying your selling experience in a fun locale vs becoming tired and frustrated living around other people’s schedules

  • a vacant property is a much more ideal scenario for cleaners, organizers, stagers, photographers, and videographers… so they can work their magic!

We have one ultimate job when marketing your listing: maximizing the ✨ YES ✨ and minimizing the no, so the more we can do to make buyers’ experiences seamless, the better 🥰😉


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